Sunday, April 14, 2013

Reinvigorating The Blog

Dear friends,

It has been a while since Andrew and myself have been active in the blogging, and we did not start extremely strong, with both of us getting very busy with school. However, we hope to change that by using our time off from school this summer to get started on really working on the blog. The period of time between September-December is considered the "Oscar baiting season," and the first half of the year is usually a bit of a dead zone for good film to come out, so there is little for us to do. However, we hope to take this summer as an opportunity to being your guide to summer movie going, looking forward to the year's end releases, and covering film history.

We hope to begin a few specific, recurring columns in addition to reviewing specific films. One is very simply a director showcase, where we will explore the works of a director that has come to help shape film history. I am particularly interested in delving into film history, and exploring a lot of aspects of film that many people overlook. It is my intention to begin a column entitled "FILM: Fundamental Instruments for Loving Movies," where we will explore some classic elements, techniques, and directors that have shaped the film world today as a means of growing and learning together. Another new column that I am especially excited about is the "Essentials" collection, inspired by the weekly showcase on TCM of the same name. There we will recommend a classic and highly influential film that is essential for any great lover of film to see, or anyone who enjoys a great movie. We hope to be very active with our writing this summer, and we look forward to you coming along with us for the ride.

I would like to sign off with a small recognition of the recent death of Roger Ebert. Andrew and I are both extremely sad to see such an icon and giant pass, and know that he will be missed. He pioneered film criticism for the modern age of film, and I can say that he inspired me to write, discuss, and love film. He is a great hero to both of us, and his death leaves a gaping death in the world of film criticism. We hope for the best for his family, and that he and Gene Siskel are enjoying a great film, should heaven exist.

Andrew and I look forward to a great summer, and we hope to see you at the movies.

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